Tiszta Volfrám elektróda
Hevítéskor tiszta és gömb alakú (kalota) véget formál, jó ívstabilitással rendelkezik.
Váltakozó áramú hegesztés esetén, kiegyenlített vagy kiegyenlítetlen négyzetes vagy szinuszos hullámmal.
Hegeszthető anyagok:
Áramnem: AC
Műszaki paraméterek
Megnevezés Volfrám elektróda WP 3,2x175mm zöld
Összetétel W: 99%
W TIG-electrode Ø 3,2 x 175 mm
colour: green
Uniform matte appearance, free from impurities as a result of a chemically cleaned surface. Pickled surfaces exhibit increased emissivity. This means, for instance, that lower heating temperatures can be achieved in high-temperature applications while maintaining the same radiant power. Furthermore, the pickled surface should be preferred for all standard applications in which a bright finish is not absolutely necessary. It is the least expensive variant.
The appearance of ground sheets falls between that of bright and pickled sheets. They have a satin-like finish. The ground surface is a less expensive alternative to the bright surface and is suitable for all standard applications. It is possible to work to very narrow tolerances with rods that have a ground surface.
The mirror finish is visually appealing and exhibits a high level of reflectivity that can be of interest for certain applications (e.g. reflectors).
The marks of forging can still be seen. Matte appearance as a result of chemical cleaning. Least expensive surface finish: Can be used, for instance, in the glass industry with the benefits of reduced wear compared with machined surfaces.
Turned, uniform surface with a matte appearance. A measurable surface roughness and tolerances in the range of tenths of a millimeter are achieved.
Bright appearance. More material removed, resulting in reduced roughness; free from any impurities.
Tiszta Volfrám elektróda
Hevítéskor tiszta és gömb alakú (kalota) véget formál, jó ívstabilitással rendelkezik.
Váltakozó áramú hegesztés esetén, kiegyenlített vagy kiegyenlítetlen négyzetes vagy szinuszos hullámmal.
Hegeszthető anyagok:
Áramnem: AC
Műszaki paraméterek
Megnevezés Wolfram elektróda WP 3,2x175mm zöld
Összetétel W: 99%